Books I want to re-read in 2016

Hello fellow bookworms,

Today I thought I tell you all the books I want to reread this year because I have been meaning and wanting to reread some books that are on my bookshelf. Although because I am a mood reader (I only read book when I am in the mood) I haven`t reread any books yet, so I though during the year 2016 I should reread some books. 

Meanwhile I do know that rereading books is such a hot-topic in the blogging community and some bloggers will prefer not to read books that have already read again because they have a massive TBR (to-be-read) pile. However my TBR pile is not that big, it only contains about 14 books, I think, therefore I have the time and my reading schedule is a little bit stressful. 


The first book (or books I should say) is the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. With the recent TV series that aired I thought it was time that I reread the series to relive my love for the characters. This series especially is on my number one list because I read this series (the first three books) 4 years ago and I have been wanting to read them again but I keep holding of reading. I wanted to read them in winter because it`s a fantasy series and winter speaks fantasy to me, although when winter came along I wasn`t in the mood. 


Next I would love to reread/read the Harry Potter series. I have already explained this, but the read why I have not read the whole entire series is because the size of the books scared me. Being a little child I was not prepared to read them, however I am a little older so I think it is the time. The time to finally finish the series.


IMG_0052In March Allegiant is coming out in theaters, therefore I should reread the book before I see the film and the main reason for this is because I like comparing the books to the film adaptations and I have forgotten many things that happen in the book.

Then we have Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. I think that this is a little traditional thing for me because every year I always reread the book, mainly because I love it, so this year I want to keep up with the tradition and reread this wonderful and heartbreaking book.

In addition I would like to read An Embers in the Ashes again. I read this book for the first time last year and beforehand I thought I was going to enjoy this book, mainly because of the hype. However I was disappointed and I did not enjoy the book. The fact that I didn`t enjoy the book it makes me very sad because I really wanted to enjoy the book and love it like many other readers, so I will give this book another chance this year.


Finally we have The 100 Society by Carla Spradberry. This is an under hyped YA book that follows Grace and her school where there is this game that evolves around tagging. You have to tag 100 places or building to win the game. I can`t really remember what happens in this book, but this is okay because the whole point to rereading books is to read so that you can remember what happened and why you liked the book. This was one of my favourite books of 2014 so I am looking forward to relive my excitement for the book.

I hope you enjoyed reading today`s post. Tell me what books you want to reread and have a lovely day.

Love Franciska xxx

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