Pretty Book Covers #2

Hello guys,

Today I`d thought I would make another pretty book cover post because I`ve only noticed that I own quite a few “pretty books” and so I thought I would share them with you. Here is a link to my first post of this series.

This post is part of my  bookish- tea- time category where anything that doesn`t have a category here in book blogging world is placed.

I know as book lovers we shouldn`t judge a book by it`s cover, but sometimes a pretty and beautiful cover just brightens your day and it also makes you shelves look much more aesthetically pleasing. 

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First we have Queen of Shadows which is my most favourite cover at the moment. The white cover makes the book look clean and Celaena just looks like so strong. Sometimes I hate when there`s a person on the book cover because it can make the book look cheap and tacky, although I think having a drawing of the characters is better. In addition if there is a picture of the character on the cover it`s easier to imagine what they would look like.  Here is my review if you want to read more about it.

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Then we have Red Queen which also have a white background. However I think it`s the simplicity of the cover that makes it so effective. The crown, which is covered in blood, and the red fonts sums up the book quite well.  Here is my review if you want to read more about it.

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As you can see there is a bit of a Queen theme going on because the next book I`m going to mention is The Queen of the Tearling. Similarly like Red Queen this book has a crown but it`s in the shape of a trap representing the plot of the book. The title of the book is also in red which suggests blood making it more intriguing. I think this book just catches the eye and it gives a Games of Thrones feeling for me. Here is my review if you want to read more about it.

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Next we have an obvious one. Rebel of the Sands is such a beautiful colour and the foiling on the book makes it stand out. Who would have thought that blue and gold went well together? The cover shouts deserts to me suggesting the book is set in the desert. I`m currently reading this book and I just can`t help closing the book to look at the beautiful cover.


We then have one of my most favourite book: Eleanor and Park!!! The cover may be simple but I think it sums the book up perfectly. Everything about the cover makes me want to cry and I love it how the noun “Eleanor” is in red writing and not your typical pink girly colour, because Eleanor isn`t your typical girl. If you haven`t read this book I would highly suggest that you do. (You can also tell that I got bored of the photo layout hehe!)

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Finally we have Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. This is one of the covers that will immediately catch you eyes and fill you with curiosity. I love the way the cover is actually a photo. It`s so pretty and there are no words that can justify the cover.

That`s it for the covers, I hope you enjoyed this post and my attempt to be artsy which the books. Please let me know you favourite book covers because I love finding new ones and I hope you have a lovely day.

Love Franciska xxx

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